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Testing in action with Maven

The purpose of this small project (built on top of SiteGeneration) is to utilize the maven's surefire, failsafe, and surefire-report plugins to run the unit tests as well as integration tests both separately and running them together, as well as generate their separate reports and include them in the generated project reports through mvn site.

The generated site will be deployed automatically as part of every push to the GitHub Pages. The deployment will happen using GitHub workflows/actions.

Plugin Configurations

We basically need groupId and artifactId to declare a plugin in pom.xml file. Important Note: Always define the version of each plugin used to guarantee build reproducibility.

But if we need more control over the plugin's configuration, then we can make use of the configuration element and the child elements (i.e. skipTests and testFailureIgnore in the code below) of the configuration element will be mapped to the properties/fields of the plugin's Mojo. So, we can set those fields like this (in pom.xml file):


This parameter mapping can be of different types like:

  • Mapping complex objects
  • Mapping collection types
  • Mapping Maps
  • Mapping properties

Learn more about Configuring plugins

Maven profiles

  • There are some profiles setup which can be used switch on/off certain things.
  • To see the list of configured profiles, run mvn help:all-profiles
    • Configured profiles (in pom.xml file) are:

      Profile ID Profile Description
      ut It'll run only the unit tests
      it It'll run only the integration tests
      uit It'll run both the unit and the integration tests
      nt It'll run no tests at all (skipping execution of all tests).

Learn more about Maven Profiles


This project follows the following basic conventions out of the box:

unit test integration test
resides in: src/test/java/* src/test/java/*
executes in Maven phase: test verify
handled by Maven plugin: surefire failsafe

Running the tests

Clean the target directory Run only the unit tests Run only the integration tests Run both the unit and the integration tests
mvn clean mvn test mvn integration-test -P it, or mvn verify, or
mvn verify -P it mvn verify -P uit or
mvn clean install

Using the verify lifecycle of maven will also run the configured verification checks and will fail the build if any of the checks are not met.

Running a single test

During development, you may run a single test class repeatedly. To run this through Maven, set the test property to a specific test case. mvn -Dtest=TestCircle test Learn more about running a single test

Configure test reporting

Configuring the reporting to include our test report in the generated site.

mvn site Since maven-site-plugin 3.4, it uses the parameters defined in the <configuration> element of each reporting Plugin specified in the <reporting> element, in addition to the parameters defined in the <configuration> element of each plugin specified in <build> (parameters from <build> section were previously ignored).

Learn more about Site Reporting

Using the reportSets Tag

You can configure a reporting plugin using the reportSets tag. This is most commonly used to generate reports selectively when running mvn site. The following (in pom.xml file) will generate only the surefire and failsafe reports:


Binding the goals and phases to achieve something different

Another thing to learn is, to bind the goals of a plugin to certain phase of the build lifecycle. We can make use of the executions tag, which is most commonly used for mojos that are intended to participate in some phases of the build lifecycle.

In the following example, we are binding the report-only goal of the surefire-report plugin to the test phase (surefire:test goal of surefire plugin binds to the test phase by default) and then the failsafe-report-only goal of the surefire-report plugin to the integration-test phase (failsafe:integration-test goal of failsafe plugin binds to the integration-test phase by default). That configuration will trigger the report-only goal once the tests are run to generate the surefire report and then, the failsafe-report-only goal once the integration tests are run to generate the failsafe report. See in pom.xml file.

                    <!-- Depending on your setup, the following configurations may or may not be optional -->
                    <!-- Depending on your setup, the following configurations may or may not be optional -->

Read further if you want to set custom paths for tests' results

If you want to set the custom output directories for the tests' results, then continue reading.

Following is what should go in the build section for custom paths (in pom.xml file):


Now, as the generated tests' summaries as part of the tests' run are not in their default locations, so we have to tell the reporting plugin to where to look for the test summaries to generate reports and hence, following is what should go in the reporting section (in pom.xml file):
