Why Not Me!!!

Why Not Me!!! (YNaMi)

Purpose of this awsomazing project is to have such a template which implements the best software development practices, and structures the software code in a manner that we can just use this template and start adding out classes in those locations.


Talking about best practices and fear free software development, see how the test package looks like below:


It’ll setup the following testing strategies:

Running tests from IDE

I guess, since Java 17, we need to add the following to VM options in order to use reflection.

Changes has already been accordingly in the pom.xml file, but don’t forget to add the following to VM options if running this application from IDE:

--add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens java.base/java.lang.reflect=ALL-UNNAMED

But since the spring boot upgrade, seems like we don’t need to set them in the VM options nor in the spring-boot-maven-plugin in pom.xml file.

And add the following to run the integration tests from the IDE:

--add-opens java.base/java.util=ALL-UNNAMED
--add-opens java.base/java.text=ALL-UNNAMED
--add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED
--add-opens java.base/java.lang.reflect=ALL-UNNAMED
--add-opens java.desktop/java.awt.font=ALL-UNNAMED

Maven spring-boot:run profiles

An alternate approach to this is to use the following command:

mvn spring-boot:run -Dspring-boot.run.arguments="--ynami.spring.datasource.profile=mysql"

In order to achieve that, spring-boot-maven-plugin plugin should be configured as below:


And the value for spring.datasource.type.jvmArguments with be either of the following:


Learn more about [Maven Profiles][maven-profiles-url]

Maven test profiles

In order to run the integration tests with particular datasource, combine the it profile with either h2 or mysql profile as below:

mvn clean integration-test -P it,h2 --file pom.xml


mvn clean integration-test -P it,mysql --file pom.xml

Learn more about [Maven Profiles][maven-profiles-url]

Running Single Test

Single test can be run like that but without specifying the testing profiles mentioned above. h2 or mysql profile can be mentioned but if testing profile is mentioned, then it’ll run that profile too.

mvn test -Dtest="Sample*Test"
mvn test -Dtest=SampleControllerTest
mvn test -Dtest="SampleControllerTest"
mvn test -Dtest="SampleControllerTest,SampleFeatureControllerTest"
mvn test -Dtest="SampleControllerTest#shouldGetAllSamples"
mvn test -Dtest="SampleControllerTest#shouldGetAllSamples+shouldGetSampleById"

And integration tests:

mvn test -Dtest=SampleControllerIntegrationTest
mvn test -Dtest=SampleControllerIntegrationTest -Dynami.spring.datasource.profile=h2
mvn test -Dtest=SampleControllerIntegrationTest -Dynami.spring.datasource.profile=mysql
mvn test -Dtest=SampleControllerIntegrationTest -Ph2 # Doesn't work as it runs all the tests (ut, it, mt, at, bt...)
mvn test -Dtest="SampleServiceIntegrationTest#shouldVerifyTheRetrievalOfElementById" -Dynami.spring.datasource.profile=h2


mvn integration-test -Dtest="SampleControllerIntegrationTest"
mvn integration-test -Dtest="SampleControllerIntegrationTest" -Dynami.spring.datasource.profile=h2
mvn integration-test -Dtest="SampleControllerIntegrationTest" -Dynami.spring.datasource.profile=mysql
mvn integration-test -Dtest="SampleControllerIntegrationTest" -Ph2 # Doesn't work as it runs all the tests (ut, it, mt, at, bt...)
mvn integration-test -Dtest="SampleControllerIntegrationTest#shouldGetAllSamples"

Setting up H2

Click here for the details

Setting up Data Sources in IntelliJ

Click here for the details

Docker Setup (MySQL etc.)

Click here for the details

Flyway - Database Migrations

Click here for the details

Issues faced during the JAVA upgrade

Click here for the details

Issues faced during the SpringBoot upgrade

Click here for the details

Checksums for SQL files

Checksums are used in order to ensure that the SQL db migration scripts are not changed. It’s to encourage to write a new migration script if any more change/update is required instead of touching the existing migration scripts.

To generate checksum for the newly add SQL db migration script, just run the DBMigrationScriptsChecksumTest test. The test will fail printing on the console something like below:

New DB migration/s has/ve been added. The following line/s MUST be added to checksums.txt


You MUST add the new checksum/s value/s to the checksums.txt file

Copy the file name along with the checksum from that output and add it to the end of the checksums.txt file.