MySQL - Docker setup

You don’t have MySQL installed to test this example? No problem, one option is to use Docker to run it.

Pull the MySQL Docker Image

docker pull mysql:8.0

Run the MySQL Docker

docker run -d -p 3306:3306 \
    --name mysql-docker-container \
    -e MYSQL_USER=crazy \
    -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=crazy \

By the way, if you didn’t pull the docker image explicitly by running the docker pull mysql:8.0 command, nothing to worry about as the docker run command will pull the image if it’s not found locally.

Connect to the MySQL Docker

Run the docker exec command in order to connect to the mysql-docker-container docker container:

docker exec -it mysql-docker-container bash

That’s it, we have up and running MySQL container happily :)

Docker contains slow on macOS

Simplest solution given below but there are others like using NFS:


The delegated configuration provides the weakest set of guarantees. For directories mounted with delegated the container’s view of the file system is authoritative, and writes performed by containers may not be immediately reflected on the host file system. In situations such as NFS asynchronous mode, if a running container with a delegated bind mount crashes, then writes may be lost.


The cached configuration provides all the guarantees of the delegated configuration, and some additional guarantees around the visibility of writes performed by containers. As such, cached typically improves the performance of read-heavy workloads, at the cost of some temporary inconsistency between the host and the container.

Ok, we can use them simply as volume option, for example:
