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Maven Site In Action

The purpose of this small project is to utilize the maven's site plugin to generate the project reports.

Generating the Project Site

  • To clean the target directory, run:
    • mvn clean
  • To generate the project site, run:
    • mvn site
  • To generate the project site with all the submodules, run from the pom aggregator:
    • mvn clean site site:stage

Plugins to use

We need to add the following couple of plugins (in pom.xml file):


The generated site will be deployed automatically as part of every push to the GitHub Pages. The deployment will happen using GitHub workflows/actions.

Learn more about create the documentation for your project

Configuring the project site

Site descriptor is the site.xml file located in src/site. It's a xml file used to configure the project site. Resources like images, css, js required for the site can be placed in src/site/resources/*. After the site generation, these resources will be in their respective folders in target/site/*.

Maven site can also be generated without the site descriptor file, but adding it will give better control over the content of the site, i.e. adding customisations as well as more links to the generated site; just as we added the file to it.

Setting custom css or javascript site descriptor file

Below is just some sample code to set custom css or javascript in the site descriptor file:

        <![CDATA[<style type="text/css">
                        #bannerLeft { margin-top:-20px;margin-bottom:5px !important}
                        #bannerRight { margin-top:-30px;margin-bottom:5px !important}
                        a.externalLink[href^=https]{padding-right:inherit;background-image:none !important}
                        a.externalLink[href^=http]{padding-right:inherit;background-image:none !important}
        <![CDATA[<script src="./js/remove-dollar-sign-from-hrefs.js" type="text/javascript"></script>]]>

Copying the file

In order to include the file in the generated site, it has to be copied to the right location first. We'll use the maven-resources-plugin to copy the file to the desired location as (in pom.xml file):

                    <!-- Copy the readme file to the site markdown directory so that a page is generated from it. -->

Note the use of <overwrite>true</overwrite>, setting that flag will ensure that the file always gets copied to src/site/markdown, so that mvn site can pick it up from there for processing. We have to place the in src/site/markdown as mvn site doesn't seem to pick it up from anywhere else. src/site/markdown can be added to .gitignore to avoid unnecessary committing of this file.

Generating the Project Site for multimodule project

Running the mvn site from the parent will actually create the target/site folders with proper site generation for each of the modules, but the problem is, when we try to navigate to the submodule's link from the parent's site, those links will be broken. In order to fix that issue, a simple solution would be to configure the stage goal. It will automatically aggregate the documentation of each module in the ${project.baseURI}/target/staging folder. The trick is to add distributionManagement to the parent pom of all the submodules:


Configuring Reports

In order to configure a subset of the standard reports which are included by default, include the reporting in pom.xml file:

            <version>${maven-project-info-reports-plugin.version}</version><!-- define version here if not already defined in build/plugins or build/pluginManagement -->
                        <!-- Subset of reports to be included -->

Learn more about the Project Info Reports Plugin